Reporting & Complaint Process
Most websites provide the opportunity for site visitors to provide feedback or comments to the college. However, what is not always well defined is how to support feedback or complaints related to an accessibility issue on a website. A California State Audit of three California Community Colleges found a lack of documentation existed for addressing feedback and complaints related to website accessibility barriers. Creating and documenting a reporting process for website accessibility barriers is a necessary step towards embracing a cultural of access at an institution.
1. Create a Web Page
Colleges should provide a web page that outlines the institutional approach to accessibility as well as contact information or a response form for reporting an accessibility issue. This web page should include information on how to submit a complaint, offer multiple methods for reporting the issue, and who the designated entity may be at the college for addressing the issue. The most common strategy is to create a hyperlink in the footer of the website that directs users to the accessibility web page or website.
- CCC Technology Center Accessibility page
- CCC Chancellor's Office Accessibility information
- Santa Monica College Accessibility page
- Stanford University Accessibility site
- CU-Boulder Accessibility site
2. Document the Process
When an accessibility complaint or feedback is received, it is important to have a documented response process so that college staff understand their roles and responsibilities in resolving the accessibility issue and communicating with the reporting individual. While colleges may follow an informal process to resolve accessibility barriers, it is important to follow a documented process to ensure the reporting individual's needs are met and to identify if there may be recurring issues on the website (e.g., same or similar barrier keeps occuring).
The following documents are draft versions intended for colleges to edit and modify as appropriate for their institutional needs:
- Website Accessibility and Complaint Process template [docx]
- Accessibility Complaint Process Flow Charts [pptx]